Cardiff Council inaugurates the First Muslim Lord Mayor in history

Cardiff has it’s first Muslim Lord Mayor!

Yesterday, at Cardiff City Hall – Cllr Bablin Molik became the first Muslim, woman of colour and migrant to be inaugurated as the Lord Mayor of the Welsh capital

Molik has been a Lib Dem councillor since 2017, she is a mum of two girls and arrived in #Cardiff from Bangladesh in the 1980s at the age of six, not being able to speak English.

Prior to the inauguration, for the first time a Muslim chaplain officially led the Islamic prayers. Dr Abdul Azim Ahmed, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales said;

“Islam has been Cardiff’s second religion for generations, and it is fitting Lord Mayor Bablin has been elected as its first Muslim Mayor, she will help realise Cardiff’s ambition to be a city of community and compassion.”

In 2022, Cllr Bablin Molik was also involved in strengthening the motion tabled to recognise and adopt a definition of Islamophobia which later became another historic moment where the council recognised and defined Islamophobia for the first time as a by-law.

Representation amongst Muslims in politics across the UK is still disproportionate to the Muslim population that has been part of British society for decades. Historic moments like the first inauguration of a Muslim Lord Mayor in Wales’ capital city shows progress and is an inspiration to all who have never seen themselves represented in decision-making positions.

Congratulations Lord Mayor Bablin Molik